Sunday, September 4, 2011

Week of March 28th 2011: Dolores Park

The weekend after my big trip, I realized I had a lot of studying to do and I still hadn't done my new thing so I decided to grab my books, put on my skates (yes, skates. Some people still use those) and make my way over to Dolores Park.

Distance is a funny thing. For the first year and a half that I lived in my very central apartment, aside from trips to the supermarket or gym, I made way into the Mission so infrequently. However, starting this project has shown me how close and easy to get to the Mission is. It was one less barrier to exploring the city. The reason I had never gone to the Mission before was because I always wanted to drive instead of walk and the parking situation made that impossible. Getting over that laziness was essential.

So, I found a spot up on a hill in the park and made myself comfortable - so comfortable in fact that I put away my study guide and took out my Kindle. It was too nice of an afternoon and I wanted to something I enjoyed.

I don't know how long I sat up there reading and people watching, but it was long enough to do a lot of both. The cherry on the top of the afternoon was the guy who rode his speaker-covered bicycle through the park blasting "Paradise City." There were so many different people in the park that day but almost all of them seemed to be entranced by the music. It's the little things that always seem to bring the diverse residents of San Francisco together.

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