Friday, September 9, 2011

Week of April 11th 2011: CSSC - Progressive Grounds

Two coffee posts in a row? Maybe I actually got some studying done! Well, tried to at least...

Taste - 2. This was the first coffee I actually didn't like. Not that it was horrendous... it just didn't come close to living up to the standard I'd gotten used to. I'd gotten to the point where I'd really started liking the taste of coffee and *GASP* that meant I was going to be a little more choosey. This was also about the time I stopped being able to drink the coffee at work every single day and found I need to stop at Starbucks or Peet's a once or twice when I was especially tired. But it was also when I realized....

Buzz - 1... that I didn't really love lattes anymore. If you've ever gotten coffee with me, you'll realize how huge this was. My cups of coffee where more like coffee ice cream than a beverage that is supposed to appropriately start your day. This was the cup of coffee that did it for me. I felt so sluggish and lazy after drinking it because the heavy dairy was just slowing me down. I actually went home and made myself a cup of Ritual coffee just to wake up from my Progressive Grounds coffee.

Presentation - 2. Standard latte in a glass cup. I almost feel like I should dock one for the glass cup thing... That weirds me up. Coffee belongs in ceramic if it's not in a cardboard to go cup. I don't pour beer into a coffee mug or wine into a blue party cup so don't put my coffee in a pint glass. 

Ambiance - 2. I was so excited to walk into a coffee shop where many people were working on their laptops. That was until I sat down and they all judged me because I was the only on that didn't have a Mac. Ok, maybe they weren't judging me but I got a distinct "Why are you in our coffee shop and why don't you have a Mac Book Pro or iPad like the rest of us?" feeling... Other than that - the shop was nicely decorated and had nice pillows to sit on and plenty of space. The people just didn't seem to warm. 

Food - 3. I got the gingerbread cookie you see to your right. It was tasty but maybe a little dry. This was another place that had a full sandwich/salad menu that I didn't take advantage of so it may be worth checking out for that.

Selection - 4. There was a full coffee menu and food as mentioned above so you definitely had choices in that regard. However, I don't think they had specific coffee roasts if you're into that thing (which apparently I am now. Great, I'm a coffee snob all of a sudden...)

Study - 2. It had all of the makings of a good study place but I just couldn't focus. I blame this half on what must have been a decaf coffee and half on the Apple glares.

Novelty - 4. It's starting to seem like it's harder to find a place with real food, plenty of space, and that welcomes people to hang out all day on their laptops (as long as you have a Mac). Sure, it wasn't for me but I don't discount that it may be more comfortable for someone else.

Overall - 2. I think I made it pretty clear that this place just wasn't for me, but I think there are a lot of people who would enjoy it. If you have a few hours and a device that runs iOS, I think you'd have a great time there... just leave a couple hours free for a nap afterward. 

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