Thursday, October 21, 2010

Week of October 4th 2010: Attend a Major Leauge Baseball Playoff Game

I love sports. There is nothing like being in a stadium cheering on your favorite team. Whether it's at home or away, having a couple of beers and proceeding into a sporting tent to support my favorite teams is one of my favorite things to do. As a Cal fan and SF Giants fan, it's been a rough couple of years for any sort of post season excitement so you can only imagine how exciting it was to land a ticket to the Giant's first home playoff game.

A lot of people have been asking how I got the ticket in the first place. My company actually has a pair of season tickets and they were able to purchase post season tickets as well that they planned to raffle off to the employees. The catch though was that you had to answer a series of Giants questions. I'm not going to lie.. I knew some of the answers but I definitely needed a little help. Luckily, the biggest Giants fan I know was online and Kevin was nice enough to provide me with an answer or two... My name got drawn in the raffle and off I was!

I stopped home and got my Lincecum (coincidentally, he was pitching too!) t-shirt and off I was to the game! I stopped by to meet a couple of coworkers and Zeke's tavern before. Technically, this was also a first, but if you've been to Zeke's, you'll understand why I don't need to grace it with it's own post. It's not the worst bar in the world but it's nothing special either and I wasn't there very logn either way.

Next thing I know, the first inning was starting so I jogged over to the stadium. From the get go, the stadium was packed. I don't think I'd even seen so many seats filled in AT&T Park before. Just the atmosphere in the stadium was electric... Giants fans are always very excited and energetic but this was definitely different... everyone was just paying more attention to the game.

The game itself was just awesome. I love watching Timmy pitch and having him stay in for the whole game with 14strikeouts - was just incredible. Even though the Giants only scored one run, it was an amazing game to watch.

Go Giants!

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