Monday, January 21, 2019

On Pregnancy

If you read my last post, follow me on Instagram, or are a Facebook friend than this isn't a surprise but.... I'M PREGNANT!!!! This is obviously a huge life change and accordingly, I have a lot of thoughts about it. Pregnancy is either a lot of oversharing or undersharing so I thought I'd write a post that's somewhere in between - a collection of my thoughts on some of the biggest things that come along with pregnancy (and aren't really talked about). I want to be open but I'm not looking to gross anyone out so don't worry about gruesome details here. Some are based on questions I've been asked already and others based on things that have been on my mind a lot. I hope it's interesting!

You can never take just one!
P.S. I have a lot of ovulation and pregnancy tests if anyone wants them. They're way cheaper in bulk but expire in 2019 so... up for grabs!

Getting Pregnant

Getting pregnant is complicated. Let's assume that all women fall in three categories: trying not to pregnant, ok if it happens (not using protection but also not tracking fertile days), and actively trying. I went from group 1 to group 3 and that can be confusing. It's such a big change to not want to get pregnant for so long and then really, really want to. It can be hard to wrap your head around.

So take that confusing feeling and add that getting pregnant is actually kind of complicated. For some people it happens instantly (even on accident) and for some people it takes years or doesn't happen at all. For us, it took several months so not the best and definitely not the worst scenarios. It got frustrating at times (but we're still lucky it happened without too much strife!).

My point is - trying to get pregnant can be difficult emotionally. There's definitely a stigma about openly discussing these things but luckily I had a few friends that listened to me through it all and I appreciate them so much.

My Body

Bump watch 2019
Obviously pregnancy is a time of physical changes and weight gain. As someone who's focused a lot on being fit the last couple of years, this is a big change for me... but I'm here for it! People assume that the weight gain would freak me out but my biggest thing has always been seeing the potential that my body has... and what better way than creating life? If that's not the coolest thing women do with their bodies than I don't know what is. I've actually really enjoyed tracking the changes in my body. While I joke with Dan about "getting fat," I'm actually excited that a little bump is starting to appear.

Of course, it also means a lot to me to have a smooth recovery. I'm hoping that my health and fitness level before getting pregnant will help with that. I oil and lotion up my belly like it's my job. I'm here for the pregnancy changes but I'm also hoping to minimize the long term damage.

Not Drinking

This one has actually been easier than I thought! I did a Whole30 once so I have some experience with not drinking for a while but obviously pregnancy is a lot longer. There are some big differences between not drinking for this and not drinking for a diet. Obviously, pregnancy is something much bigger than yourself and abstaining from something you enjoy because of the health of your child is a pretty noble reason not to drink. You also have a lot more options than a diet. On Whole30 there were only a couple of non-water things you could drink and even still, in moderation. With Pregnancy, you can still have juices and mocktails and other beverages that are little more fun. Lastly... you just don't feel all that hot when you're pregnant. Morning sickness feels a lot like being hungover and I think most drinkers know, you generally don't feel like a drink when you're having a rough morning. Another thing that helped was cutting back on drinking while trying to get pregnant (alcohol might affect fertility) so I was able to ease into the transition.

There are obviously times when abstaining is a little bit harder though. Big social events, especially with a lack of other beverage options, can be tough. I've learned a few easy mocktails that most bars can accommodate but since I wasn't a big cocktail drinker, it tends to be too much sweetness if I have more than 1-2. However, it still gets a little boring when everyone else is drinking. Eating out with groups is hard too. It's generally easier to split a check evenly... but drinks are expensive and it doesn't feel fair to me to have to pay for something I didn't consume - especially because babies are expensive too. Lastly, I like wine because I like the taste. Usually when I want it the most, it's because I've seen a new wine and I'm curious about it or I'm thinking about what would pair with my dinner. It's not in a "I NEED A DRINK WAY" but more that I'm missing something that has very much been a hobby for me.

The biggest thing I've learned though - is that it's important to support friends that aren't drinking regardless of the reason. I'll be the first to admit that I've been super guilty about this and I apologize to anyone I've made uncomfortable. The amount of push back I received just from cutting back before getting pregnant was annoying to say the least. So if a friend says they don't want another drink - that's fine. Also, still invite those people out! Just because I'm not drinking doesn't mean I don't want to be social. Let that be on me to figure out. Maybe I'll still be too tired or maybe some situations still won't make sense for me (like if drinks are included in the price no matter what), but generally, I'd rather still see friends before my life changes forever with a baby than be left out just because I'm not drinking.

Eating for (Not Quite) Two

This is one of the things I was most excited about! I obviously try to eat healthy so getting to let loose a little was something to look forward to. Of course, like everything else in pregnancy, it's more complicated than that!

First of all, you're not eating for two. It's really like another 300 calories a day. Babies are small, yo! Second, you're supposed to still eat healthy. I decided to do a little bit of a compromise. Since I ate SO healthy before, it seemed fair to me to be able to splurge a little bit on treats that I didn't normally eat. Approaching it with the goal of balance seemed really logical to me.

But pregnancy is not logical. I've found it so hard to eat vegetables and a lot of red meats. Some days, I tell Dan he better not come home if he doesn't have a pizza or some ice cream. Other days, it's hard to stomach anything other than carbs. Baby also loves fruit which feels like a great way to get some nutritious food in while still appeasing the cravings.

Another issue has been just how frequently I get hungry now. I've always been more a small/frequent meals person but with this baby it's a must. I tend to only feel un-well when I'm hungry... but I get hungry all the time. I've had to find ways to snack all the time, including the middle of the night. On the flip side, you get full easily when you're pregnant as well because your stomach is sharing space with the baby so it's really just about making sure you're never too far from something you can eat easily. The hunger strikes quickly and it strikes hard.

Things have gotten better now that I'm in the second trimester and I'm working on getting back to that balance that I originally pictured for myself. It's a struggle for sure, but I'm working on it!


I had big aspirations for pregnancy fitness. I'd been following some fitness accounts of women who got pregnant and was so inspired by how active they were in their pregnancies. Seeing a woman do a pull up with an 8 month bump (when I can't even do one un-assisted normally) is goals AF.

Pregnant Spartan!!!

...but not the reality. The first trimester I was either sick or tired the whole time and those are not conditions condusive to going to the gym. I was also worried about losing the pregnancy (which is more likely the first 12 weeks) and wasn't ready to share the news with the trainers. Even working out at home was tough. I'd use all my energy to get through the work day (it's important to me to not use pregnancy as an excuse at work) and then just crash. Even making dinner was next to impossible some days. The best I could do was go on a walk a few times a week. Luckily, that was great for doggy and walking is one of the best (and safest) way to exercise during pregnancy. I also wasn't too hard on myself if that just felt impossible.

Now that I'm through the rough patch, working out more is one of my goals. Regular bootcamp classes still intimidate me (the trainers know now and I can modify, but it's still a lot), but I've been going to the lifting class. It's more self paced and almost everyone who attends are really close and know about what's going on with me. Last week was my first class after going public and I was chatting as much lifting which was definitely nice (and of course, I like the attention). My goal this month has just been to get out of the house at least once a day (preferably for some sort of walk or exercise), but next month it's going to be doing something active more days than not.

This hike was just not going to happen
And for any haters - I've done A LOT of research here. Pregnancy is not the time to start anything new or up your game but it's fairly safe to resume activities you were doing before getting pregnant (with exceptions). I've learned the things I definitely can't do and have been talking to Dan (fitness husbands are handy!) and doing research on how to modify or what to do instead. I also got an HR monitor. The heart rate cap is outdated science but I feel more comfortable keeping tabs on it. Sometimes I get out of breath quickly but my HR is in a reasonable range so I know I'm ok. I also want to know if it's spiking out of my HR zones so I can stop and let my body recover. Plus, I'm very in tune with my body. We went on a hike last week and it felt bad... and got worse... so we stopped. Baby is the priority 100%.

Gender Reveal

Yea, we're not doing that. Not at all, actually. We want to be surprised by the baby's gender. I have another post planned that goes more into this so stay tuned.

And Everything Else!!!

Pregnancy is full of surprises. For the most part, it's been a really happy time for me. I've always wanted to be a mom and was eager for it to be the right time. Even through all the ups and downs of symptoms, I've been really happy and excited about what's to come.

The one thing that I wasn't expecting though... was how lonely pregnancy can be. All of my friends either already have kids and are very busy with that... or are no where near that step in life. Not having kids myself, I don't always know how to navigate the relationships with parent friends and whether they need attention or space. I also feel like my not-having-kids-soon friends want to go out and party all the time (which is fine!!!) and I'm just not there any more, or am not included because they assume the pregnant lady wouldn't want to go. They're still my friends but I don't feel like I fit in on either side and that leaves me at home cuddling with the dog instead of getting some human interaction. I'm worried about it getting worse when the baby is actually here too. I'm hoping to make some mom friends between now and then but I don't even know where to start with that. It all just makes me feel incredibly lonely some days.

I'm sure you're wondering where Dan is in all this. Yes, he is here. He does work though and sometimes weird or long hours. I also don't want to tell him he can't do things in his free time just because I'm emotional so he sees friends sometimes and works out a lot. He's as supportive as I need him to be, but I know it's not great to have 1 person you depend 100% on. It's times like these that not having my mom around hurts more than ever. Just having her to call and talk to would help a lot with all of the emotions I'm feeling.

So that sums it up (gorey and personal details aside)!!! Pregnancy, for the most part, is not really how I imagined. I definitely figured with the shape I was in before getting pregnant that I'd be one of those super pregnant ladies that just does everything and has perfect skin and is always smiling. Nope! I'm human too! This baby has slowed me down a lot over the last couple of months but I'm still excited about everything that is happening with my body.

I also want to give super props to any woman who have gone through this while also taking care of kids they already have! At this stage in my life, aside from work (which is from home so I can still be in sweat pants or get a little more sleep in lieu of a commute), I don't have a lot of things I have to do so I can focus on taking it easy and self-care. That all changes with kids so mad props to everyone who already takes care of little ones and double props if you're doing it while pregnant. Moms really are Wonder Women.

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