Anyways, my dear friend Elissa was celebrating another year on this planet and I thought it would be nice to show her a night on the town. There are a few things Elissa is always asking about doing - going to Mamacita's and going out for dancing and girlie drinks in the Marina. She made it really easy for me to figure out what to do for her birthday.
Mamacita's is a high end Mexican restaurant in the Marina district of San Francisco. We decided to start our dinner with some simple chips and guacamole. The guacamole also came with salsa and both were really delicious. I know, it's pretty simple to gush over guac and salsa but you have no idea how often they get messed up. I can't tell you how many times places have tried to pass some liquidy, creamy mess off as guacamole. Real guac has avocados in it and just enough spice to give it some kick but not to mask the green fruit. Yes, it's a fruit. Look it up. Salsa can come in a variety of ways, but I think that when you're bringing some for a table of varying pallets to share, you want one that's not too chunky, not too liquidy, not too spicy, but with some kick. But I digress... (some how this is turning into a food blog and I'm hopped up on caffeine so I'm being a little aggressive...)

For dessert, I made sure to sign language to the waitress that someone at our table was celebrating their birth and that embarrassing singing was going to be needed. No really, there was lip reading, pointing, actions, everything and a lot of Elissa asking me what I was doing.
Thank goodness the waitress understood my gibberish and she brought out a beautiful Molten Chocolate Pudding with Dulce de Leche Gelato. Although the restaurant wasn't nearly embarrassing enough when they brought out the dessert, it was so incredible that it was completely worth it. Seriously, I would go back just for this.The waitress said it was a customer favorite and I can see why.
All in all, the restaurant is really good, but maybe a little overpriced for what they do. I think I've heard that they have happy hour deals. If so, I would go then because nothing tasted bad.
Sorry for how awful the pictures are! When I have some time I'm going to try to fix them.
I can't say I've ever had to use sign language to get my food before! I'll take the pudding!