Friday, June 5, 2015

A Puesto Fiesto - Our First Cinco de Mayo in San Diego

I've been so bad about writing lately. The extra bad thing is that I actually have a ton of topics! I've just been really lazy so sorry about that. However, I'm bringing back the World Cup Eating Challenge for the Women's World Cup!!! You can check out some of my favorite posts from last year while you wait for that or you keep reading to see how we spent our Cinco de Mayo!

A few months ago, our friends invited us out to Taco Tuesday at a place called Puesto. They are pretty well known in these parts for having gourmet tacos and their Taco Tuesday prices are amazing for a higher end taco. So when we started seeing fliers around for their Cinco de Mayo / Taco Tuesday party, we were really excited.

With that said, our first stop was obviously the taco booth. The line was long but it was all worth it because it wrapped around to where the chef was preparing the tacos, and I got to spy on how they were made. Some of the Puesto tacos have a grilled melty cheese wrapped around the meat. I was so excited to see how this was made. As readers of this blog know, I love playing around in my kitchen at home and I'm really excited to try to make these myself now that I've seen how it's done.

If you're curious too - they melt a little handful of cheese on the grill and put the meat into that. Then they scrap it up and roll the crispy cheese around the meat. I'm sure it's the kind of thing that looks easier than it is but it's so delicious, I won't mind eating my failure.

Seriously, look at those. The top are carnitas tacos and the bottom are chicken rolled in that amazing crispy cheesey goodness. And yes, all four of those were for me. I probably could have eaten another four as well. They're that good.

Puesto is located in a little pavilion near Seaport Village called "The Headquarters." I never got that name but it turns out it used to be the SDPD's headquarters so while we enjoyed our tacos and beer, we also got to take lots of silly jail pictures.

I think the important take away here is that Dan is just ridiculously taller than I am. 

We also found out one of our favorite San Diego spots, Donut Bar, was going to have a booth. They made special churro donut waffle sandwiches with horchata ice cream filling. Obviously Dan got one. I snuck a bit and it was delicious. I know they were making them on weekends in May. Hopefully, they keep it up all summer so everyone can have a chance to try them!

I probably need to make a post about Donut Bar in general. It's the famous San Diego donut shop that luckily is only a couple of blocks away from our apartment. We are known to stop by a little too frequently.

All in all, we had an amazing Cinco de Mayo Taco Tuesday. In general, San Diegans seemed pretty well behaved and the only person we saw making an ass of himself was this guy:

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