Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 10 - Spain - World Cup Eating Challenge 2015

This one might look a little familiar. Last year, I did Paella for Spain as well. I had been meaning to make it again all year so when I decided to do the challenge again, I knew Spain would be a full repeat. I even used the same recipe. The only changes were that I didn't use clams this year (they weren't very popular last year and don't keep well) and I topped it with some parsley since that was in a lot of the pictures and would be a nice note of freshness.

First things first, I laid out my ingredients. I also used chicken, peas, and parsley which aren't shown here. 

I don't have an actual paella pan but I have a very large frying pan and it does the job really well. 

After I cooked my chicken, I put in my bell pepper and chorizo.

When those were done, I added my tomatoes and chicken stock.  After that came to a boil, I added the rice and put the chicken back and let it simmer. Once you add the rice, mix it once and then not again. Add the shrimp in and when the shrimp turns pink, remove them.

When there is very little liquid left, put in the peas. It probably should have had a little less liquid but I'm impatient and was hungry.

Once the rice looks totally cooked, add back your shrimp and some parsley.

Then enjoy!! Paella feeds a lot so it's a great food for hosting. I invited over my neighbors and it was enough for 6 people to have heaping plate fulls and a little left over for my lunch. 

I also picked up some of this Reserve Rioja at Bevmo. It had great smokiness and was a good pairing with the strong flavors of the paella. I'm happy it was one of the 5 cent wines because it was an amazing wine. So good, in fact, that I might be drinking the second bottle while writing this....

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