As part of my trip to L.A., I also made my annual trip to
. It definitely wasn't a new thing for me but I thought it would be fun to write about what's new there since last year. If there are any other Disneyland lovers out there, I'm sure they would love to hear about how the new attractions.

Flik's Fliers might not be a new ride but I had never been on it before so I'm going to count it!! The ride is in the middle of
Bug's Life
Land in California Adventure. Actually, come to think of it... everything new in this post was in California Adventure... but I digress. The ride isn't all that exciting but it's very cute. Since you're supposed to be bug-sized in Bug's Life Land, the cars are Chinese take-out and animal cracker cookie boxes. Curtis and Oleg wanted to be take-out so they jumped in that car while Shannon and I found cookies to be more fitting. Once the ride started, the middle rose up (so that the cars were in the air) and exposed that the engine was inside a giant whipped cream container. Overall - very cute and an easy way to kill 5 minutes with a lineless ride.
Most of the day was spent going on the classic rides and a lot of shopping was done. No, really, we stopped in almost every store. We had also managed to get an "It's my Birthday" pin for Shannon so all day she was wished happy birthday and she even got serenaded at lunch. Each time it made me giggle a little bit and we decided that it was more of a very merry unbirthday a la
Alice in Wonderland

As the day progressed, we saw a lot of signs for
ElecTRONica, which I had never heard of before. This excited the nerd in Oleg and I and we both really wanted to see what we assumed to be some sort of show. Well, we showed up and there was a mini-Tron show comparing
from the 80's to
Tron Legacy
, but the show was all to advertise this ElecTRONica thing. ElecTRONica, it turns out, is a giant nightclub in the middle of Disney California Adventure. I was not expecting that at all. Although they tried to sell it as "fun for the whole family" they couldn't mask the fact that it was more or less a giant rave. The bar featured glowing drinks and I ordered a "Glow"hito which was fantastic. The music was also great - they had a couple of DJs but were mostly playing the
Daft Punk
music from the new movie.

In the back of ElecTRONica was Flynn's arcade. Flynn's, like in the movie, featured your favorite video games from the 80's. There was
and Space Invaders and an
air hockey
table. Plus, just like in the 80's, everything was a quarter. Just outside Flynn's arcade, a few wii's were set up to let people play a new Tron racing game. Oleg and I played and unfortunately I lost, but I'm pretty sure he cheated so don't feel too bad.
Oleg had to leave at that point so the rest of us picked up another glowing drink and decided to stake out a place for the World of Color show. Basically, Disney completely gutted the whole lake in the middle of California Adventure and installed a ton of jet stream fountains like at the Bellagio. However, they then projected videos and images onto the fountains. It really was beautiful to look at. They also incorporated some pyrotechnics which is always fun. I think my favorite part though were the mini fountains and colored lamp posts spread throughout the audience. It was a nice little touch to have them unexpectedly incorporated into the show. I think that is my favorite thing about Disney all together - the details. Every little detail about everything Disney is so impeccable and perfect and the World of Color show was no different.
Well, that's it for my summary on what's new at Disneyland. Like I said, I'm a pro on the park so let me know if you want any suggestions. If you've been before - what's your favorite attraction? I will always love Big Thunder Mountain the best. I also love the Off the Page store and animation studio in California Advenure, although ElecTRONica might be gaining.
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