Monday, August 28, 2017

Athletic August Week #4

So close to the end! Somehow August has like 100 days though and this is going to spill over to a 5th week so you get some extra updates.

This week has been night and day from last week. I think last week was really my hurdle to get over. Seeing how I did after my Spartan race and getting into more of a stride were really what I needed to keep going.


Treat Yo'self
The day after a race, I'm never going to go big. It doesn't make sense. If I have then energy to do a big workout, I didn't try as hard as I could during my race. Dan and I both fell asleep really early Saturday night and were super sore on Sunday. We still had to drive all the way home to San Diego so we decided to just to have an enjoyable, easy day. We spent the morning eating breakfast and talking with my dad. We then drove to Orange County and took a pit stop near Disneyland for some lunch and shopping. I'm sure you could count that as "walking" and it probably was more distance than I walked last Sunday but I wasn't tracking it and I'm really not that concerned with it. Today wasn't about working out - it was about recovering and celebrating a race well done.

I also decided this was a good time to suspend the burpees challenge. After the race, their usefulness was gone for now and fitting them in late at night or on days I was really tired wasn't very enjoyable.


Back at it! My climbing partner asked if I'd still be up for climbing since it was only a couple of days post race. In the past, I'd still be too sore a couple of days after a race, but I was already feeling better. Knowing that all my hard work had shortened by recovery time was a big added bonus. Being sore stinks so being able to get back to something I love a couple of days after a race was awesome.

We also had a great day climbing. I didn't go nuts but we tried a couple of higher level climbs and were able to do pretty well at them which was a great feeling. We also planned out what we would tackle on Wednesday when I'd had even more time to recover from the race.


Now that I was fully better, it was time to head back to the bootcamp gym! It was crazy to think I took a week and a half off. Even though we've only been going for a few weeks, I've already grown really attached to the gym and the challenging workouts. They really kick my butt but each day is different enough that I don't get bored with it. I always look like I jumped in a pool after class which makes me feel a little guilty that I usually go grocery shopping after. Sorry other shoppers!!!

It also was pull up day! I tried to challenge myself but using less resistance than last time but I actually struggled a lot more than the testing week - even when I used more assisstance. I think there was still some soreness from the race and climbing holding me back. Hopefully there's still some improvement before next week.


Since Wednesday is a climbing day but I was loving the feeling of going back to boot camp, I decided to do their 30 min lunch time class... and it was shoulders. Perfect from a pre-climb workout (sarcasm). We started the class with a ton of burpees as a birthday gift to one of the other members. Our stations then involved a lot of core and shoulder work including pushups, push presses, and more burpees. It was a tough 30 minutes.

Luckily for the gym, Dan and I decided before that class that we would sign up for another 6 months at the gym! We've both really enjoyed it were feeling sad that our month trial was coming to an end. We worked a way to make the cost more manageable so we could justify signing up for more time.

I still had climbing to go to though and on Monday we had picked out a bunch of hard climbs to try. One of them totally kicked my butt. I pushed through one move and felt my back totally tighten and I just couldn't get through more than 75% of the climb. Even though I had a huge knot in my back, I didn't want to end on that note. I chose a few more physically easy but mentally challenging climbs. I love that climbing involves so much more thinking than normal exercise and being able to make that shift when I'm tired is a great way to change up the challenge.

Oh - and if you're worried about my back, I'm ok. It felt tight all night but I got Dan to massage out some of the knots. I'm going to pull through!


Dan woke up and went to the 7am bootcamp class and reported that it was back, biceps, and squats - the three places I really need to recover. I definitely have to take the day off from the gym which stinks because one of the exercises was rope climb. I really want to keep practicing there but I do feel better knowing that we have 6 more months at the gym instead of 1 week. If we hadn't extended our membership, I would have felt compelled to go in and work the muscles that sorely needed a day off.

We ended up doing a family walk after dinner and it just reminds me how much I love those. No matter how I love them... Harley loves them more. It's adorable how excited she gets about going on a walk with both of us.


Back to boot camp! Friday's are always "best of" and you do the hardest workout from each day.  That meant another chance to try things I struggle with like pull-ups, thrusters, and the rope climb. Even better? I got to the top of the rope! The gym owner held it down for me and gave me some tips but the climbing was all me. It's nice to have checked that off my list and hopefully I get some more chances to try it before the month is up!


Nothing to report here - Saturday was a really busy day for me. Dan woke up early to go to a special boot camp on the beach but I just didn't want to. I also had plans at 10 and knew it would be stressful to fit both in. Instead I had an easygoing morning before meeting up with friends. From there, I ran some errands, made lunch, spent time with Dan and then it was time to head out again. I was hoping to fit a workout video or something in there but by the time I could, it was time to shower and head back out again. I didn't want to keep skipping days but it would have been way more stressful to fit another day in and honestly, my body appreciated the rest.

It was so nice to bounce back after the week before. It's not surprising that I hit a rut in this - it seems pretty normal when you're trying to build a habit. The key is being about to push over and get to the other side. It's so crazy that I'm coming into the last week of this.

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