Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Athletic August Week #2

I'm changing the format a little for week two. I'm going to have the summary at the end so it's not my header picture and I can put up something more fun. I'm also going to sort out the post by weekday instead of numbering the days because that seems harder to keep track of.

Anyways, here's a photo of me from the boot camp gym. You can kind of see the layout but it's not too important because every day the gym has a different set up depending on the circuit. So far, it has been different every day which keeps it really interesting.


After Saturday and the whole week that I had, I was totally exhausted by Sunday. I was planning for it to be another low key day and I really just wanted to do a core workout that was primarily ab focused. That was one of the few things that didn't feel like it was worked enough the week before. I subscribe to some online workout videos but the core videos all use legs and back as well and those needed a day off. I was hoping to maybe find some YouTube videos or something but eventually I gave up on looking and just did some yoga poses and a little bit of ab work. I had the right idea but a video is so much more motivating than just doing sit ups by myself. I definitely will need to find some better solution for these kinds of days.


Monday is a climbing day!!! Climbing is my sport. I've been doing it about 8 years now which seems crazy - mostly because I've only improved slightly over the last 6 of those years. Part of this goal has been to make a big overall improvement and climbing feels like one of the areas this might be the most challenging.

My partner and I decided we wouldn't get better unless we really pushed ourselves. We've decided to start jumping on much harder climbs and then switching to an easier one when we get stuck. Both of us have been able to get much further along the hard climb than we expected which felt really nice. I think sticking with this plan will really help us get to the next level.


Two a day Tuesdays!!!  ... were a horrible idea. Since I was still feeling like my core was under-worked, I decided to do one of those core videos from Sunday. Since my legs were no longer sore, it wasn't an issue doing a full body core workout on my lunch break. The video is only 30 minutes and overall feels pretty low intensity, so I decided I'd go to boot camp class as well. For the record, the video advises against doing any strength training after the core workout...

So after work, I head to boot camp. I'm looking around at the set up and see the dry erase board has some exercises written on it... V-ups... bicycles.... omg it's ab day at bootcamp too. Long story short - I got a double ab/core workout and it was rough.

Despite being so tired from my workout, I felt full of energy at home. I played with the dog, made dinner, helped with dishes (which are my absolute least favorite thing), and then after dinner still managed my burpees while playing with the dog some more. By the 30th one though, I dramatically fell over to show Dan how tired I was... and felt like I pulled something. Luckily it didn't hurt too much the next day but it showed me that I need to be careful about how I stack my workouts.


I got to cheat a little on Wednesday. Since I was feeling a little beat up from all the ab work on Tuesday and my butt still hurt from my fall, I wasn't sure I was up for more boot camp. Luckily, Dan went to the morning class and was able to tell me what to expect - back and biceps! Those two muscle groups weren't hurting so I decided I'd go to the lunch class which is only 30 minutes and then try to walk the dog later. Normally, I climb on Wednesdays as well but my partner had to reschedule so this sounded like a great way to mix it up.

The class was great. There was still some core work but most were back and biceps like Dan said. Since this is what I would have worked out climbing, I liked that I was still able to do it. Those are also muscles that I think look really nice so that was a plus as well.

There's not much to say about doggy's walk but I took her back to a park we used to live near and I think she really enjoyed returning to her old marching grounds. Even though she's barely spent any time there the last couple of years, she still remembered where everything was and was so excited to be there. Dogs are so smart sometimes.


I got to cheat again. My plan was to do the 30 minute bootcamp class AND make it to body pump which I'd been skipping. However, Dan went to 7am class and reported that it was a million push ups. NO THANKS. I'm trying to get stronger and I know push ups are part of it but I hate them more than burpees. Hard pass.

No back for me!
I also had some struggling with going to Body Pump. Normally we go to a class at Dan's work with some friends but Dan and said friends started playing volleyball at the same time. It doesn't feel worth the drive to go without them. There's a closer gym that has it as well but it's always crowded. It feels like a lose-lose and to top it off, I had a work fire drill to put out right as I was signing off.... Luckily, I have an app for all of that. I pay a tiny fee to have online access to Body Pump whenever I want. I decided to pick neither gym and just do it at home after I solved the work crisis.

The other benefit was catering to my sore muscles. My biceps were really sore after the previous days exercise and body pump is a full body workout. I'd either have to skip that track or go very light weights and in a class, the former is really difficult. During the warmup, I realized my back was also super sore and I'd have to skip that track for sure. Fitness and classes are not worth hurting yourself over. I decided to do my burpees during those tracks instead... and ended up finishing them all so quickly, I was still able to do the biceps track on the lightest weights. It was a win all around.


I had an early start on Friday. Dan was heading off to the airport for the weekend and I offered to give him a ride to the airport.... which had me waking up at 5am. I'm not functional before 8am but I love my husband and I know he would have done the same for me so I got up and at 'em much earlier than usual. I was back home a little after 6am and had to make a decision. Do I try to go back to sleep for a super short amount of time? Do I go to the gym? Try to do something else? I didn't want to, but I chose gym.

Fridays at the bootcamp gym are "best of" for the week. Some of the exercises were ones I'd seen and some weren't (UGH PUSH UPS, REALLY???). All in all, I crushed the circuit. I made it through 4.5 times. It would have been an even 4 rounds with a mile run, but just as I was finishing my stupid push ups, the instructor said no more running and just go around again. Pssh... I could have run in that time. Anyways - I didn't want to choose the gym option but I did and it gave me an energy boost that got me through the morning.

I crashed a little after work but I still had kickball so I had to hustle. I made myself an awesome dinner and rushed to my game. It didn't go great but I got on base a couple of times. I love the game but I am terrible at kicking. I'm a decent catcher and I'm fast on base so I really want to get this kicking thing down and be able to contribute more for the team.


The end of the week!!!!!! .... I'm tired guys. I think it has more to do with waking up so early Friday morning and then sleeping poorly Friday night (I don't like being alone in the house, ok?) than everything else but... I'm tired. I had breakfast, went to real estate work, and then to the climbing gym. I definitely didn't plan this out well because I was HUNGRY by the time I got to the gym. I DO NOT work out hungry. I am usually really good about planning meals and snacks out so I have enough to workout on but I'm not so full I'd sick. It's an art. I failed today. After 3 climbs and a pinch in my triceps (UGH PUSH UPS), I asked my partner if we should do another climb or just go get tacos.

I think you know what won.

Anyways, the important thing is that we went and did it. We climbed even if it was half the time. Honestly, after the week of workouts and lots of two-a-days, I could not feel bad about it if I tried. If you're going to do something like this. You have to listen to your body and my body said "TAAACCOOOSSSS."

I got my tacos, I took a nap, I ran some errands, and then I had a really relaxing night with my fur babies, chick flicks, and a bottle of champagne. I earned it. I had a hard week at work, a harder week of workouts, and I believe you have to treat yo'self. I even did my burpees just before cracking open the bubbly - I even threw in an extra 10 because I think I only did 20 yesterday.

My weekly summary never came through but I was still able to grab my stats from the site.
I know, the other summary was way prettier
11 workouts, 9 hours of working out (I rounded up because I usually only count half the climbing time since I'm not climbing the whole time), and 3500 calories. What a week!!! I'm so proud of all the hard work I put in and felt really great. 

It felt like week 1 was a really struggle. I felt really sore the whole time and needed a lot more breaks to stretch and recovery. I really hit my stride in week two and really didn't get super sore or need much rest. I wonder what week 3 will bring!

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