Tuesday, June 13, 2017

A New Set of Adventures!

Ok blog world, it's here! I've been dropping hints for about a year that I've been working on something, and I'm finally ready to announce it. It's funny how time works. I thought I would be able to turn this around within a few months and I was on track to until life happened. Between getting caught up in beaurocracy, planning a wedding, and spending a lot of time with family - this got pushed back several times but we're here now and hitting the ground running.

So what did I do?

I got my real estate license!!!

I feel like I've really come full circle on this and I'm so excited to get started. I have loved houses as long as I can remember. I worked in a bookstore in high school and I used to always flip through Christie's Great Estates on my breaks. I'd think about the day that I could buy my dream home. It led me to start searching through the LA times real estate section and trying to figure out how I could buy my own waterfront mansion some day (I was a very ambitious teenager). I thought about pursuing real estate in college and after but my dad convinced me to think about different options and the market crash that accompanied my graduation from Berkeley, made that path impossible at the time.

Let's fast forward. I've always dreamed of starting my own business. About a year ago, I read an article that really solidified a lot of what I was feeling: the best path to wealth is by having a career that has unlimited upside. Aka - it's hard to get rich when someone tells you how much money you're going to make, and if you're a hard worker, it can be frustrating to have your efforts pad the pockets other people while making no difference to yourself. It summed up so much of what had been bothering me, and I decided to find this kind of job.

Around the same time, I was watching a lot of HGTV. I'd take Harley for walks on weekends and would check out all of the open houses. I started dream buying my favorite places in the neighborhood and searching on Zillow just for fun. It suddenly dawned on me, that maybe this was the path I should go down again? So I did a little research, and started taking real estate classes. I loved what I was learning and it really solidified that I'd made the right choice.

Now that I've passed my exam and gotten licensed, I'm excited to start working. I'm so happy, I also found a great company to work for. They support my interest in doing this part time and they also have so much training and amazing resources. They know that if I succeed, they succeed and vice versa. The also contribute a part of each transaction to charity.

So now I'm free to go off in the world (well, California) and help people buy and sell homes. I'd love if you could pass the word onto any friends and family who may be interested in more information about real estate. Here is my real estate website - definitely add your email to the neighborhood news section if you'd like to get updates on your local market. 

Nikki Lincoln
Scripps Ranch
9988 Hibert St.
San Diego, CA 92131

Office: (858) 530-1100
Direct: (818) 406-5541
License: 02011015
Email: nlincoln@windermere.com
Website: http://nlincoln.withwre.com

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