Thursday, January 2, 2014

2014 New Year's Resolutions

Normally, I like to have this one ready to go out the door on New Year's Day, but I kind of dropped the ball this year (no pun intended). I think that's the problem when you dedicate a year to being selfish - you don't take enough time to think about what you want to improve next year. I also ended up with a really nice problem - I ended 2013 on a great note where I could honestly say that things were good. I feel great about my friendships and hobbies and my plans for the near future. It's a lot harder to think of what to fix when you're in a good place... but I know it took lots and lots of past resolutions to get here so let's keep going.

Use your words better - As someone who writes blog posts, you'd think I'd learn how to say things better. I haven't. At all. For some reason, I can think out blog posts and ponder over how to place words together to make something that makes sense and sounds nice. When I'm talking though, it's the opposite. More often than not, friends have to ask for clarification on what I'm trying to say. I really need to learn how to slow down and think before saying something so that I can get out what I mean and save everyone from a lot of frustration that comes from miscommunication.

Run a 5K - I know, you're thinking "but Nikki, haven't you run like 10 5ks?" Well... kind of. I mean I have signed up for, started, and finished a good number of 5ks... but I haven't run the whole thing. I usually stop to walk for part of it and frankly, with some work, I shouldn't have to do that at all. I'm more athletic now than I ever have been, I can do this. One of my best friends and I signed up for a Disney obstacle course 5k in May and I would love to be able to run it with her. She recently did a half marathon, I have no excuses.

Either learn a new language or get better at one you already know - A few months ago I found this amazing app called Duolingo. It's a really easy to use and free language app that teaches you a new language with fun little games and quizzes. I got a little ways into Portuguese to try to brush up on my skill and then time got away from me. I'd like to go back and either finish Portuguese or test out the French or Italian.

Finish a few Coursera classes - Coursera is another free education program where you can sign up for college classes online. They are super interesting and I sign up for a ton but I usually end up not making the time for it and dropping out of them.

I think that's good for 2014. Of course there's the usual: see new places, read more books, and work out regularly but I think I've gotten into a good rhythym of just doing those things anyways.

Happy New Year's everyone! I'm really looking forward to this one.

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