Monday, October 20, 2014

Sweet Potato Chips Recipe

Omg guys - it's been forever since I had a food or wine post. I'm the worst. I thought I'd toss a quick little food post your way. My plan is to have a Wine Wednesday post this week and another fun paleo World Eating Challenge post. I'll also update you on what I've been working on. As you might have seen, my last post was on crafting. I kind of fell down the craft projects well but I think I can pop my head out for a while. I finished my Gamora costume and a couple of other things so I'll have another craft post on all of that.

But for now, let's talk sweet potatoes!!!

Before anything - pre-heat your oven to 450. It takes a long time to get that hot so it's good to give it a head start.

I love buying sweet potatoes but I can be just awful about using them before they go bad. So what do you do when you have a bunch of skinny potatoes on the verge of going bad? Make chips!!!

If you don't have a mandolin - buy one. They are the best kitchen tool you could ask for. I had just gotten back from an awesome workout at the gym so I kept thinking of my Mandolin as my Mandalorian... not quite the same although they both come with their own risks. 

Anyways - I used the Mandolin to cut my potatoes into about 1/2 cm slices. This was thick enough to not burn but thin enough to get a little crispy. 

Once they were all sliced up, I tossed them with some olive oil and seasonings - sea salt, pepper, garlic powder, and sage (rosemary would also be amazing but I didn't have any). Try to make sure the oil and seasonings coats them evenly. 

Once they are coated, spread them out in one layer on your baking sheet. You made need to have a couple of trips in the oven. The chips above took 2 sets of trays. 

I baked mine for 20 minutes. This is a good time to shoot for but be sure to check on them as all ovens are differently. My oven even varies against itself - some were burnt and some were crispy but most were just a kind of baked but not mushy texture. They definitely weren't crispy like normal chips but I was ok with that. If you want them crispy, it might be worth trying to fry them. 

They pulled together wonderfully with a great dinner of slow cooked pork, kale & spinach, and wine (of course).

The dinner was also great fuel for the Warrior Dash we ran over the weekend. Remember - eat clean, train dirty! Like really dirty... 

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