Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 New Years Resolutions

One of my favorite serial posts for this blog (and probably the only ones I actually do when I'm supposed to) is my annual resolution post and this is going to be a really special one. I'm not going to lie, I totally punted on last year. I didn't feel really committed to any of my resolutions and the only one I followed was the "Run a 5k" one. Heck, I ran 2 10ks. I killed that goal.

However, once the year got started, my boyfriend and I tossed around the idea of moving to San Diego. We agreed that we would stay in SF for a year, but no longer. Suddenly the really important resolution was just to be present, enjoy the city we live in, and spend time with our friends - but at the end of the day, commit to this move.

In the sense of completing that, I think we did a great job. Obviously there were still times when the comfort of wine on the couch was more appealing than going out, but now that we are on the peak of moving, I feel really good about it. I could sit here for another 10 years thinking of everything I haven't done in the Bay Area but when I look back at my time here, I think I did a good job of taking advantage of the many activities, events, and unique places up here. So I don't really look at this past year as a Resolution fail, but really that shortly into the year, I found a better resolution and nailed it.

But enough about the past - let's get to the future!

Visit at Least Two New Countries - And I know which ones too. I've never been to America's hat or tie and that's just inexcusable. As a future San Diego resident, visiting Mexico should be easy. I'm also signed up for a half marathon in Vancouver which should take care of Canada and my next resolution...

Run a Half Marathon - I know I can walk a half marathon. Heck, I'm pretty sure I could run half of one. I'll be really happy if I can run a whole one. I have 8 months to prepare in a city where weather is not an issue. I can do this.

Fall in Love... With San Diego - I'm not worried about this one at all. Everything I've seen has made me really confident that this will be the easiest item on my list. I do know though, without a big friend base there, it will be really important for Dan and I to push ourselves to explore instead of taking the easy route (although I do plan on exploring our apartments pool area pretty often...).

Find a Community in San Diego - Or more than one... whatever :) I was so lucky to find a great community in UC Berkeley and live so close to my Alma Mater that I was able to really grow that community into a group of really amazing friends. They are no doubt the hardest thing about leaving. They will never be replaced, but I think San Diego will really feel like home when Dan and I can find something like that.

Finish a Big Creative Project - My new 15 foot commute is going to save me many hours a week and I'm excited to take more time for my creative endeavors. I have a couple costumes I want to make and some other top secret things I'm hoping to do. All of them are long term things - like months - so it's a big deal to finish one... or more!!!

Open Up Our Hearts - Losing Rocco was definitely the hardest part of this year. It hasn't been that long and I know it will still be many months that my eyes tear up at the thought of my Love Bug. As much as Callie tries, she's really just not an affectionate pet and Dan and I are very much missing that. When the time is right, we want to give another Cuddle Bug a good home and lots of love.

The Trifecta - Last but not least is definitely the most ambitious on my list. "What could be more impressive than a half marathon and establishing a new community in a new city?"  you ask. The Trifecta is a half marathon.... 10 k.... and 5k... all with obstacles... completed within a year. 2015 seems like a good year for this. I don't know what my future holds but I'm in the best shape I've ever been in and I imagine in a few years I might not be able to dedicate that much time to running through mud and rope climbing. No time like the present!

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