Thursday, September 26, 2013

I'm Baaaccckkkkk

This past year and some change has been filled with so many adventures for me.

First, I decided that my "one new thing a week" adventure had run it's course. I no longer needed to seek out adventures and push myself to step out of my box, it was happening on it's own and instead I found that I had too much to do, too much to write about, and not enough time. My posts were so far in the past that I was stepping backwards instead of really letting myself continue to push forward into the kind of changes I needed to make for myself. I decided to start a new blog where I wasn't so confined to the set up I made for myself.

Cinnamon Geek was a platform where I could write about whatever I was geeking out about - movies, music, wine, working out, food. It gave me the flexibility to share my interests and write the kind of posts that come easily - those fueled by passion about the subject.

And it showed! Cinnamon Geek, while never really taking off in its own right (unlike this blog which still gets tons of views even without new content), the passion transcended and I was offered a spot writing for a wine blog, Simple Hedonisms. I learned how to write more extensively about wine while attending tastings, taking wine courses, and getting to try a ton of amazing things. Talking and writing about wine clearly sparked something in me and I was eager to share that with the world.

Things really took off from there. I changed jobs, traveled a bit, started a relationship. It was kind of a really crazy few months for a while there, and at the end of the day I realized that I loved being able to write about those things when I had those posts here. I also love writing about wine and food and geeky things. It felt like the right time to stir things up here again so that I had a place where I could have some more flexibility in my content.

I've had a lot of adventures the last few years and ton of changes lately, but something tells me that the adventure is just beginning and I'm so excited for what's yet to come.

P.S. I'm sure you're all thinking that Cinnamon Geek would have been a better site to go off of to start this and you're probably right but some how some weird French wolf Ugg site seems to have control over it and I'm not really sure how to get it back.

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